
Welcome to the Cloud Accountants blog. You can expect regular updates about working in the Cloud, how to get the most out of Xero... or whatever...

Cardigans & Comb Overs

By | June 15, 2012

When Hamish Edwards (Xero co-founder) recently tweeted that he was looking for an accountant, and that ‘if you wear a brown cardigan or have a comb over you need not apply’, it got me thinking. In 2012, what does an accountant look like? Are there still the pin stripe suits and ties? Or has it gone as far as jeans and t-shirts? For me, it is not so much about the appearance but the following: Having a positive attitude and Passion! Being straight up and honest (the truth... Read more

Emma’s tips – Bank Rules

By | May 23, 2012

Thanks for the introduction Justin! I’ve been using Xero for over 4 years now and I’ve learnt some great tips and tricks along the way that I’m looking forward to sharing with you over the coming months.   I’m confident these will help you use Xero more effectively and efficiently plus save you time as well! Bank Rules These are fantastic when set up correctly in Xero and they make reconciling some transactions so much easier and faster!  I’m going to use Entertainment... Read more

Is Xero really that easy to use?

By | May 16, 2012

Our qualified answer is Yes. But any accounting engine is only as good as the information that is going into it. With bank feed transactions being reconciled on a regular basis, accounts receivable and payable being processed and reconciled, GST returns/Payroll being checked and paid throughout the year, Xero (with some add-ons) certainly makes accounting simple and more intuitive. There are some tricks and better habits to get into however. And these will make the end of year preparation... Read more

Cloud Accountants, Bookkeepers & 100% Xero

By | February 23, 2012

There has been a lot of talk on LinkedIn and other forums around the use of bookkeepers with accountants, when the businesses are using an online accounting system such as Xero. I believe that it is a misconception that bookkeepers will become redundant, if a business was to move to Xero. At Cloud Accountants we are a 100% Xero practice. We use bookkeepers (we call them Xero Consultants!) with many of our clients, and they (the Clients) tend to fit into one of the following groups: ‘We... Read more

Xero Conference 2012

By | February 13, 2012

I attended my second Xero conference a couple of Friday’s ago, and it did not disappoint with the offering of a taste of things to come, and plenty to be excited about for Cloud Accountants. What I enjoy the most about Xerocon is the chance to not only hear about what is on the horizon with the system and add-on’s, but to rub shoulders with like minded accountants that are using technology to provide a better and smarter service to our existing and potential clients. It was a surprise... Read more

George FM ad

By | September 8, 2010

We, at Cloud Accountants, are pretty excited about our radio ad that started on George FM yesterday. Big thanks to Barnie (for his patience) and Samuel! You can listen here... Read more


By | September 6, 2010

Transparency, along with working smarter/being more efficient in your business (see our last Blog here), is another key aspect of doing business with Cloud Accountants. There are 2 parts to this: Transparency when it comes to your financials Transparency when it comes to your accountant Financials Do you know how your business is performing right now? In real time? The technology is available now for you to keep a constant eye on how you are going. And now, not in 3 or 6 months time... Read more

What do you do with your weekends & weeknights?

By | August 18, 2010

Over the next few weeks I will give some insight into how Cloud Accountants operate with their clients, and how technology and systems, can change the way, you too, can run your business for the better. I hope you enjoy! So what do you do? It may sound like a personal question….and maybe it is! Do you relax by playing/watching sport? Spend time with the kids? Maybe DIY is your thing? Read or go to the movies? These are the activities that you should be involved in, doing the things... Read more

Doing business remotely works!

By | May 1, 2010

In the early stages of setting up Cloud Accountants, I wanted (needed!) a website that was not the norm in the accounting profession. I was after something fresh, and easy on the eye! For too many firms in the profession, their websites are too wordy, and did not (to me anyway) reflect what current and potential clients required to see from their accountant’s website. The types of clients that Cloud Accountants wants to engage anyway. Being a big fan of Xero, and because I religiously... Read more

Welcome to Cloud Accountants!

By | May 1, 2010

Hi and welcome to Cloud Accountants. We are excited to introduce you to our accounting firm that will be attempting to provide you with the best possible accounting service efficiency. We pride ourselves on real time processing (We love Xero!), reporting and advice. We respond in a timely manner, so less reactive and more proactive. We use fixed price agreement structures, so no surprise fees! We guarantee timeframes for preparation of your year end financial statements so you can make... Read more